LCA is blessed with an active and growing PTO! As parents and teachers, we're working together to make our amazing school even better! Looking for opportunities to fulfill your service hours or serve the school? Want to get more involved in the events at LCA? There are plenty of areas to serve and a variety of skills that are needed.

Here are the events and projects the PTO completes each year:

PTO Meetings:

 PTO Meetings are held every six weeks to discuss upcoming events.

Spirit Wear (ongoing): 

All new and used spirit wear orders are coordinated through the PTO. Call the office for more information.

PTO Pizza (ongoing):

 Once per month throughout the school year, the PTO coordinates orders for pizza, picks up and delivers the order along with drinks and desserts, distributes the orders to the students, and provides lunchroom monitors in order to give teachers a much deserved break.

Book Fair (September): 

The PTO coordinates and staffs a Paper Pie book fair for Grandparents’ Days .

Parent/Teacher Conference Meals (October & March):

 The PTO coordinates providing a meal for the teachers during parent/teacher conferences. Volunteers are needed to select a caterer, set up, serve, and clean up. 

Christmas Store (December): 

The PTO sets up a Christmas pop-up shop for students to shop for their friends and family during Christmas time. This is set up the week prior to the Christmas program and is also open the night of the program. Volunteers are needed to coordinate shopping for items, collecting donated items, setting prices, scheduling classroom shopping times, setting up and tearing down the store, and volunteering to work the store during school hours and the after the Christmas program.

Staff Appreciation Week (May): 

The PTO provides a week of themed appreciation days for the LCA Staff. This takes place during teacher appreciation week.